Parsing Webhook Data from GitHub in Azure Automation Runbooks

The article covers the basic structure of how Webhook Data from GitHub is passed to an Azure Automation Runbook and how it can be parsed using a sample Runbook included in this post.


This article is related to the earlier series of blog posts on setting up continuous deployment to Nano Server in Azure; however, the material herein can be used for any other Azure Automation Runbook scenarios.

This article will cover the following:

  • Basic structure of Webhook Data Payloads from GitHub.
  • Sample Runbook showing how to parse Webhook Data Payloads triggered from GitHub.


  • Access to an existing Azure Subscription with the rights to deploy and manage an Azure Automation Account.
  • An existing GitHub Account.

GitHub Webhook Payloads

GitHub Webhooks can be setup for a variety of different events that may take place against a specific organization or repository in GitHub. By default, webhooks are subscribed to push events. Be aware that there a webhook will not be fired from GitHub if the payload is larger than 5 MB. Additional documentation about GitHub Webhooks can be found in the Additional Resources section at the end of this article.

Below are two different Webhook Payloads from GitHub. The first examples is part of a from a Webhook that has just been created in GitHub. The second is from a Webhook Payload from a Webhook that was triggered from a Repo Commit. Some value pairs have been removed from each example to keep the Some Values have been removed to keep the size of the sample small.

Inital Webhook JSON Payload

  "zen": "Responsive is better than fast.",
  "hook_id": 11370116,
  "hook": {
    "type": "Repository",
    "id": 11370116,
    "name": "web",
    "active": true,
    "events": [
    "config": {
      "content_type": "json",
      "insecure_ssl": "0",
      "url": ""
    "updated_at": "2017-01-03T14:26:24Z",
    "created_at": "2017-01-03T14:26:24Z",
    "url": "",
    "test_url": "",
    "ping_url": "",
    "last_response": {
      "code": null,
      "status": "unused",
      "message": null
  "repository": {
    "id": 56943135,
    "name": "",
    "full_name": "starkfell/",
    "owner": {
      "login": "starkfell",
      "id": 2753909,
      "avatar_url": "",
      "gravatar_id": "",
      "url": "",
      "html_url": "",
      "received_events_url": "",
      "type": "User",
      "site_admin": false
    "private": false,
    "html_url": "",
    "description": "Starkfell's Blog",
    "fork": false,
    "url": "",
    "forks_url": "",
    "deployments_url": "",
    "created_at": "2016-04-23T22:11:35Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-11-26T23:26:06Z",
    "pushed_at": "2017-01-02T22:54:18Z",
    "git_url": "git://",
    "ssh_url": "",
    "clone_url": "",
    "svn_url": "",
    "homepage": null,
    "size": 27982,
    "stargazers_count": 0,
    "watchers_count": 0,
    "language": "PowerShell",
    "has_issues": true,
    "has_downloads": true,
    "has_wiki": true,
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    "default_branch": "master"
  "sender": {
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    "gravatar_id": "",
    "url": "",
    "received_events_url": "",
    "type": "User",
    "site_admin": false

Triggered Webhook from Repo Commit Payload

  "ref": "refs/heads/master",
  "before": "b6a1cefb43b7a08e4be34e8d9ef687199a17501e",
  "after": "cfdc9d412eca1ec66a9a8cc11c23f5cfdad13ea7",
  "created": false,
  "deleted": false,
  "forced": false,
  "base_ref": null,
  "compare": "",
  "commits": [
      "id": "cfdc9d412eca1ec66a9a8cc11c23f5cfdad13ea7",
      "tree_id": "692f92345d7c4672ae523771a032b96d98e0b8f4",
      "distinct": true,
      "message": "azure cli example added to sandbox",
      "timestamp": "2017-01-05T15:35:10+01:00",
      "url": "",
      "author": {
        "name": "Ryan Irujo",
        "email": "",
        "username": "starkfell"
      "committer": {
        "name": "Ryan Irujo",
        "email": "",
        "username": "starkfell"
      "added": [
      "removed": [
      "modified": [
  "head_commit": {
    "id": "cfdc9d412eca1ec66a9a8cc11c23f5cfdad13ea7",
    "tree_id": "692f92345d7c4672ae523771a032b96d98e0b8f4",
    "distinct": true,
    "message": "azure cli example added to sandbox",
    "timestamp": "2017-01-05T15:35:10+01:00",
    "url": "",
    "author": {
      "name": "Ryan Irujo",
      "email": "",
      "username": "starkfell"
    "committer": {
      "name": "Ryan Irujo",
      "email": "",
      "username": "starkfell"
    "added": [
    "removed": [
    "modified": [
  "repository": {
    "id": 56943135,
    "name": "",
    "full_name": "starkfell/",
    "owner": {
      "name": "starkfell",
      "email": ""
    "private": false,
    "html_url": "",
    "description": "Starkfell's Blog",
    "fork": false,
    "url": "",
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    "created_at": 1461449495,
    "updated_at": "2016-11-26T23:26:06Z",
    "pushed_at": 1483626921,
    "git_url": "git://",
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    "clone_url": "",
    "svn_url": "",
    "homepage": null,
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    "language": "PowerShell",
    "has_issues": true,
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    "open_issues": 0,
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    "default_branch": "master",
    "stargazers": 0,
    "master_branch": "master"
  "pusher": {
    "name": "starkfell",
    "email": ""
  "sender": {
    "login": "starkfell",
    "id": 2753909,
    "avatar_url": "",
    "gravatar_id": "",
    "url": "",
    "received_events_url": "",
    "type": "User",
    "site_admin": false

As you can see, both have a similar overall structure, however they have different primary sections as well as unique data.

Inital Webhook Payload Triggered Webhook from Repo Commit Payload
zen ref
hook_id before
hook after
respository created
sender deleted

Because of these differences, it is necessary to parse the Payloads from each of these sources based on their structure.

Additionally, the Webhook Data from the Payloads is passed to the Azure Automation Runbooks in JSON format consisting of three main sections:

  • WebhookName
  • RequestBody
  • RequestHeader

An example of what this raw Webhook Data looks like from a commit Payload is shown below:

{"WebhookName":"github-sandbox-webhook","RequestBody":"{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/master\",\"before\":\"fa0d7d55d9b8ef2bf3f8f9dde6a69c768db14e81\",\"after\":\"2c2eea343f293abe753b883f6da03f9284de9d1a\",\"created\":false,\"deleted\":false,\"forced\":false,\"base_ref\":null,\"compare\":\"\",\"commits\":[{\"id\":\"2c2eea343f293abe753b883f6da03f9284de9d1a\",\"tree_id\":\"6d0c4646d65af5c798205ec55c9b4bce670fe444\",\"distinct\":true,\"message\":\"updated table.\",\"timestamp\":\"2017-01-09T23:36:21+01:00\",\"url\":\"\",\"author\":{\"name\":\"Ryan Irujo\",\"email\":\"\",\"username\":\"starkfell\"},\"committer\":{\"name\":\"Ryan Irujo\",\"email\":\"\",\"username\":\"starkfell\"},\"added\":[],\"removed\":[],\"modified\":[\"_posts/\"]}],\"head_commit\":{\"id\":\"2c2eea343f293abe753b883f6da03f9284de9d1a\",\"tree_id\":\"6d0c4646d65af5c798205ec55c9b4bce670fe444\",\"distinct\":true,\"message\":\"updated table.\",\"timestamp\":\"2017-01-09T23:36:21+01:00\",\"url\":\"\",\"author\":{\"name\":\"Ryan Irujo\",\"email\":\"\",\"username\":\"starkfell\"},\"committer\":{\"name\":\"Ryan Irujo\",\"email\":\"\",\"username\":\"starkfell\"},\"added\":[],\"removed\":[],\"modified\":[\"_posts/\"]},\"repository\":{\"id\":56943135,\"name\":\"\",\"full_name\":\"starkfell/\",\"owner\":{\"name\":\"starkfell\",\"email\":\"\"},\"private\":false,\"html_url\":\"\",\"description\":\"Starkfell's Blog\",\"fork\":false,\"url\":\"\",\"forks_url\":\"\",\"keys_url\":\"{/key_id}\",\"collaborators_url\":\"{/collaborator}\",\"teams_url\":\"\",\"hooks_url\":\"\",\"issue_events_url\":\"{/number}\",\"events_url\":\"\",\"assignees_url\":\"{/user}\",\"branches_url\":\"{/branch}\",\"tags_url\":\"\",\"blobs_url\":\"{/sha}\",\"git_tags_url\":\"{/sha}\",\"git_refs_url\":\"{/sha}\",\"trees_url\":\"{/sha}\",\"statuses_url\":\"{sha}\",\"languages_url\":\"\",\"stargazers_url\":\"\",\"contributors_url\":\"\",\"subscribers_url\":\"\",\"subscription_url\":\"\",\"commits_url\":\"{/sha}\",\"git_commits_url\":\"{/sha}\",\"comments_url\":\"{/number}\",\"issue_comment_url\":\"{/number}\",\"contents_url\":\"{+path}\",\"compare_url\":\"{base}...{head}\",\"merges_url\":\"\",\"archive_url\":\"{archive_format}{/ref}\",\"downloads_url\":\"\",\"issues_url\":\"{/number}\",\"pulls_url\":\"{/number}\",\"milestones_url\":\"{/number}\",\"notifications_url\":\"{?since,all,participating}\",\"labels_url\":\"{/name}\",\"releases_url\":\"{/id}\",\"deployments_url\":\"\",\"created_at\":1461449495,\"updated_at\":\"2016-11-26T23:26:06Z\",\"pushed_at\":1484001392,\"git_url\":\"git://\",\"ssh_url\":\"\",\"clone_url\":\"\",\"svn_url\":\"\",\"homepage\":null,\"size\":27992,\"stargazers_count\":0,\"watchers_count\":0,\"language\":\"PowerShell\",\"has_issues\":true,\"has_downloads\":true,\"has_wiki\":true,\"has_pages\":true,\"forks_count\":0,\"mirror_url\":null,\"open_issues_count\":0,\"forks\":0,\"open_issues\":0,\"watchers\":0,\"default_branch\":\"master\",\"stargazers\":0,\"master_branch\":\"master\"},\"pusher\":{\"name\":\"starkfell\",\"email\":\"\"},\"sender\":{\"login\":\"starkfell\",\"id\":2753909,\"avatar_url\":\"\",\"gravatar_id\":\"\",\"url\":\"\",\"html_url\":\"\",\"followers_url\":\"\",\"following_url\":\"{/other_user}\",\"gists_url\":\"{/gist_id}\",\"starred_url\":\"{/owner}{/repo}\",\"subscriptions_url\":\"\",\"organizations_url\":\"\",\"repos_url\":\"\",\"events_url\":\"{/privacy}\",\"received_events_url\":\"\",\"type\":\"User\",\"site_admin\":false}}","RequestHeader":{"Accept":"*/*","Host":"","User-Agent":"GitHub-Hookshot/b831b17","X-GitHub-Event":"push","X-GitHub-Delivery":"11ab1800-d6bc-11e6-8a4d-be846b385d83","x-ms-request-id":"afadc37e-d037-4191-9b8f-344029523b3d"}}

The screenshot below shows what the same payload looks like in the Input field of an Azure Automation Runbook.


The raw Webhook Data is daunting to deal with in its raw state. As such, I have included an Azure Runbook sample below that when added to an Azure Automation Account and configured with a Webhook in GitHub, will return back the following information on a repo commit:

  • The Commit Message
  • The Name of the person who made the commit
  • The Username of the person who made the commit
  • The E-mail Address of the person who made the commit

The Runbook code is below. The details of how it works are included in the Description and inline comments.


This is a sample Runbook for demonstrating how to parse WebhookData from a GitHub Webhook Payload.

This is a sample Runbook for demonstrating how to parse WebhookData from a GitHub Webhook Payload.

Be aware that all relevant WebhookData is contained within the RequestBody of the Webhook Payload.

When this Runbook is triggered the following takes place:

- The Raw Webhook Data is returned in Write-Output.
- The WebhookData is pulled from the RequestBody of the Webhook Payload and converted From JSON.
- The Request Body is returned in Write-Output.
- The Commit Message is parsed out of the head_commit section in the RequestBody.
- The Name of the person who made the commit is parsed out of the head_commit section in the RequestBody.
- The Username of the person who made the commit is parsed out of the pusher setion in the RequestBody.
- The E-Mail Address of the person who made the commit is parsed out of the pusher setion in the RequestBody.
- The Commit Message, Name, Username, and E-Mail Address are returned in Write-Output.

.PARAMETER WebhookData
This is the WebhookData that is automatically passed from the GitHub Webhook Payload to the Runbook. The Runbook will exit if this Data Object is empty.

Filename:   rb-parse-github-webhook-from-commit.ps1
Author:     Ryan Irujo (
Language:   PowerShell 5.0




# Parsing information out of the WebhookData.
If ($WebhookData)
    Write-Output "RAW WEBHOOK DATA"
    $WebhookData | FL *
    Write-Output "                "

    # Parsing the RequestBody from the WebhookData.
    $RequestBody = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $WebhookData.RequestBody

    Write-Output "REQUEST BODY"
    Write-Output "            "

    # Commit Message
    $Message = $RequestBody.head_commit.message

    # Name of person who made the commit.
    $Name = $

    # Username of the person who pushed the update.
    $Username = $

    # E-mail address of the person pushed the update.
    $Email = $

    # Results are returned and the Runbook exits.
    Write-Output "Commit Message:  $Message "
    Write-Output "Name:            $Name "
    Write-Output "Username:        $Username "
    Write-Output "E-mail Address:  $Email "
    exit 0

# If this Runbook is not triggered from a Webhook or no WebhookData is found, exit.
If (!$WebhookData)
    Write-Output "Runbook wasn't triggered from Webhook or no WebhookData was passed. Exiting."
    exit 1


This article covered the basic structure of how Webhook Data from GitHub is passed to an Azure Automation Runbook and how it can be parsed using the sample Runbook included in this post.

Additional Resources

Azure Automation Webhooks

GitHub Webhooks

Written on January 12, 2017